Apply for Membership Membership is only approved for JCU Members & Alumni Todays Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Last Name First Name Middle Initial E-mail Address(Required) Association with SOCA(Required)SelectCategory A: Current Member of the JCUCategory B: Alumni of the JCUVeteran; Are You an Active, Reserve, National Guard, Retired or Honorably Discharged Service Member?(Required)SelectYESNOService Component(Required)SelectARMYNAVYAIR FORCEMARINE CORPSCOAST GUARDSPACE FORCEDate Entered Military Service(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Date Departed Service: (Blank if Still Active) MM slash DD slash YYYY War Veteran Status(Required)SelectApril 21, 1898, Through July 4, 1902April 6, 1917, Through November 11, 1918December 7, 1941, Through December 31, 1946June 27, 1950, Through January 31, 1955February 28, 1961, Through May 7, 1975, in the Case of a Veteran Who Served in the Republic of Vietnam During That PeriodAugust 5, 1964, Through May 7, 1975August 2, 1990, and Will End on the Date Prescribed by Presidential Proclamation or by Law.Consent I Do Solemnly Swear or Affirm That the Above Statements Are TrueCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.